
Inherits: BTTask < BT

Inherited By: BTAlwaysFail, BTAlwaysSucceed, BTCooldown, BTDelay, BTForEach, BTInvert, BTNewScope, BTProbability, BTRepeat, BTRepeatUntilFailure, BTRepeatUntilSuccess, BTRunLimit, BTTimeLimit

Base class for BT decorators.


Base class for all BehaviorTree decorators. You can create your own decorators by extending the BTDecorator class.

A decorator is a task within a BehaviorTree that alters the behavior of its child task. Decorators can have only one child task.

Decorators can be used to add conditions, limits, or other constraints to the execution of a task. Examples of BehaviorTree decorators include BTInvert, BTRepeat, and BTCooldown. The use of BehaviorTree decorators can simplify the design and implementation of complex behaviors by adding additional logic to existing tasks.