Creating custom tasks in GDScript

By default, user tasks should be placed in the res://ai/tasks directory. You can set an alternative location for user tasks in the Project Settings Limbo AI (To see those options, Advanced Settings should be enabled in the Project Settings).

Each subdirectory within the user tasks directory is treated as a category. Therefore, if you create a subdirectory named “motion_and_physics,” your custom tasks in that directory will automatically be categorized under “Motion And Physics.”

When creating custom tasks, extend one of the following base classes: BTAction, BTCondition, BTDecorator, BTComposite. More on task types you can read in the Introduction to Behavior Trees.

🛈 Note: To help you write new tasks, you can add a script template to your project using “Misc → Create script template” menu option.

Using the Blackboard is covered in Accessing the Blackboard in a Task.

Task anatomy

extends BTAction

# Task parameters.
@export var parameter1: float
@export var parameter2: Vector2

## Note: Each method declaration is optional.
## At minimum, you only need to define the "_tick" method.

# Called to generate a display name for the task (requires @tool).
func _generate_name() -> String:
    return "MyTask"

# Called to initialize the task.
func _setup() -> void:

# Called when the task is entered.
func _enter() -> void:

# Called when the task is exited.
func _exit() -> void:

# Called each time this task is ticked (aka executed).
func _tick(delta: float) -> Status:
    return SUCCESS

# Strings returned from this method are displayed as warnings in the editor.
func _get_configuration_warnings() -> PackedStringArray:
    var warnings := PackedStringArray()
    return warnings

Example 1: A simple action

extends BTAction

## Shows or hides a node and returns SUCCESS.
## Returns FAILURE if the node is not found.

# Task parameters.
@export var node_path: NodePath
@export var visible := true

# Called to generate a display name for the task (requires @tool).
func _generate_name() -> String:
    return "SetVisible  %s  node_path: \"%s\"" % [visible, node_path]

# Called each time this task is ticked (aka executed).
func _tick(p_delta: float) -> Status:
    var n: CanvasItem = scene_root.get_node_or_null(node_path)
    if is_instance_valid(n):
        n.visible = visible
        return SUCCESS
    return FAILURE

Example 2: InRange condition

extends BTCondition

## InRange condition checks if the agent is within a range of target,
## defined by distance_min and distance_max.
## Returns SUCCESS if the agent is within the defined range;
## otherwise, returns FAILURE.

@export var distance_min: float
@export var distance_max: float
@export var target_var: StringName = &"target"

var _min_distance_squared: float
var _max_distance_squared: float

# Called to generate a display name for the task.
func _generate_name() -> String:
    return "InRange (%d, %d) of %s" % [distance_min, distance_max,

# Called to initialize the task.
func _setup() -> void:
    _min_distance_squared = distance_min * distance_min
    _max_distance_squared = distance_max * distance_max

# Called when the task is executed.
func _tick(_delta: float) -> Status:
    var target: Node2D = blackboard.get_var(target_var, null)
    if not is_instance_valid(target):
        return FAILURE

    var dist_sq: float = agent.global_position.distance_squared_to(target.global_position)
    if dist_sq >= _min_distance_squared and dist_sq <= _max_distance_squared:
        return SUCCESS
        return FAILURE