LimboAI Documentation


LimboAI is an open-source C++ module for Godot Engine 4 providing a combination of Behavior Trees and State Machines for crafting your game’s AI. It comes with a behavior tree editor, built-in documentation, visual debugger, and more! While it is implemented in C++, it fully supports GDScript for creating your own tasks and states. The full list of features is available on the LimboAI GitHub page.

Behavior Trees are powerful hierarchical structures used to model and control the behavior of agents in a game (e.g., characters, enemies, entities). They are designed to make it easier to create complex and highly modular behaviors for your games. To learn more about behavior trees, check out Introduction to Behavior Trees.

Getting LimboAI

Precompiled builds are available on the official LimboAI GitHub page, and in the Asset Library (coming soon!).

LimboAI can be used as either a C++ module or as a GDExtension shared library. There are some differences between the two. In short, GDExtension version is more convenient to use but somewhat limited in features. Whichever you choose to use, your project will stay compatible with both and you can switch from one to the other any time. For more information on this topic, see Using GDExtension.

πŸ›ˆ Note: Class reference is available in the side bar.